
Con­nec­ted to public.

20220921 Max Brauer Quartier 233
20220921 Max Brauer Quartier 233

At Quantum, we shape cities and, in turn, the way people live and work. Our projects are closely linked to the public. That's why we communicate transparently, bindingly and at eye level. Reach out to us with your questions or use us as an expert and sparring partner for your story.



Colo­gne: Quan­tum and PRO­XI­MUS lea­se CEN­TRAL CROSS to Deloitte

CENTRAL CROSS, which will be one of the most modern and sustainable office and commercial buildings in Cologne, has found an anchor tenant. Deloitte has leased approximately 11,400 sqm of office space, which will be occupied in autumn 2027 following extensive revitalisation. This means that all the office space is now let.

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Jana Beckmann

Jana Beckmann

Head of Communications & Marketing

+49 40 414330 - 0