
Con­nec­ted to public.

20220921 Max Brauer Quartier 233
20220921 Max Brauer Quartier 233

At Quantum, we shape cities and, in turn, the way people live and work. Our projects are closely linked to the public. That's why we communicate transparently, bindingly and at eye level. Reach out to us with your questions or use us as an expert and sparring partner for your story.

Quantum HH


Quan­tum acqui­res assets for more than 650 mil­li­on euros

Recognising potential and seizing opportunities: In 2024, Quantum acquired real estate worth approximately €400 million. Mainly residential, as well as healthcare and parking. There were also asset management takeovers totalling around €260 million.

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Jana Beckmann

Jana Beckmann

Head of Communications & Marketing

+49 40 414330 - 0