
Focus on the market

Z square sculpture 06
Z square sculpture 06

Quan­tum Focus

Always on the cutting edge. Or ahead? Recognising current trends. Or anticipate them? Every day, our research team looks at the latest developments in the real estate and investment world. We publish the latest findings in our publication Focus – both digitally and in print.

Quantum Research Focus 42

Mea­su­ring the Housing Markets

Housing is always needed. But who lives where, and how, is determined by social, economic and ecological factors and transformation processes. We have analysed and mapped key megatrends and derived insights for the development of housing markets.

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Quantum Research Focus 41

Tech­no­lo­gy, Talent and Tolerance

The interplay of technology, talent and tolerance is crucial to the economic growth and future prospects of regions. But who is at the top of the city rankings and what is on the future agenda of the top metropolises?

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Stay­ing on top of things & iden­ti­fy­ing tomor­ro­w’s trends

We are driven by the desire to anticipate the direction in which the real estate world is moving and to maintain an overview at all times. This enables us to to identify future investment opportunities and to find the best strategies for existing investments throughout the investment cycle.

Our in-depth market knowledge has enabled us to do this for many years. We can make the right decisions by systematically gathering data and information on capital, macro and micro markets. We merge and analyse this information. The result: forward-looking, informed assessments of all opportunities and risks. We use a variety of techniques in our analysis, such as proprietary scoring models, modelling different trends or forecasting key parameters.


Dr. André Scharmanski

Dr. André Scharmanski

Head of Research

Lisa-Maria Homagk

Lisa-Maria Homagk

Team Research

Philipp Seidel

Philipp Seidel

Team Research